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Lone worker check calls

Lone worker check calls

Check calls for lone workers are a way for managers to monitor the safety of employees who work alone. As part of a lone worker policy, employers may decide to implement a check-call schedule in which the lone worker is expected to call their supervisor or a colleague to let them know they are safe.

When check calls are performed will be down to the level of risk present to the lone worker and the organisation’s health and safety policy. However, call checks are commonly performed either following a period of lone working or at set intervals – such as every hour or every 2 hours.

If a check call is missed, it is then the supervisor’s responsibility to contact the lone worker to ensure they are safe, respond appropriately if they are unable to contact them or try to locate the lone worker if they believe they are in trouble.

The downfalls of manual check-calls

While perceived as a low cost and low resource solution, unfortunately, check calls can be unreliable, disruptive and time consuming for both the lone worker and their supervisor.

Many organisations using check-calls have found that their employees fail to effectively follow the check-call system. Regularly forgetting to call in or not wanting to disrupt their work, leads to a complacent attitude amongst lone workers and supervisors. The system is often not taking seriously meaning if something did happen to a lone worker, the check call system would not be sufficient in identifying the issue.

The solution

Fortunately, StaySafe offer an effective and reliable solution to checking in with lone and remote workers without disrupting the workday. Through a smartphone app, lone workers can begin a timed session with the option of check-in intervals. Checking in can be performed quickly and easily at the touch of a button, without disrupting their work. Plus, the employee can check-in at any time during the interval, resetting the timer until their next check-in is due.

Audible alerts can also be set up on the app to remind the lone worker that a check-in is due, or a session is about to end.

The supervisor can continue to go about their day job without having to monitor who has checked in and who hasn’t. Instead, they can log in to their StaySafe monitoring Hub to view the status of all employees on one screen, or set up notifications so they will be alerted when a check-in is missed.

Additionally, a Panic button, Discreet Panic, Non-movement alert and Duress PIN, ensure the lone worker can signal for help at any time. This way the employer is alerted immediately instead of an alert only being raised several hours later when a check call is missed.

GPS tracking, which also isn’t possible with lone worker check calls, ensures a lone worker who misses a check-in or sends an alert, can be located immediately and help send directly to them if necessary.

Business Manukau Hub

If you are interested in switching from manual check calls to StaySafe’s easy-to-use app, get in contact today.