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Wearable Technology

Fall alarms

What are they and how do they work?

Fall alarms and detectors, provide a way for employees who are vulnerable to workplace accidents or who suffer a medical condition, to signal for help in an emergency.

Fall alarms usually come as a device, wrist watch or mobile app and will automatically detect a fall and alert a manager or emergency response centre. Fall alarms do not rely on the employee triggering an alert themselves, so even if they are knocked unconscious, someone will be alerted immediately.

How do fall alarms work?

Depending on the capabilities of the device, fall alarms will usually work in one of two ways;


Non-movement alerts will measure the movement of the device and send an alert following a period of inactivity. Non-movement alerts are available on mobile safety apps as a low-cost, low-risk option. They are more suited to low-risk job roles where an accident is unlikely to occur, as the alert is not immediate.

Fall detection

For higher risk employees, fall detection devices are a more reliable and robust option. Fall detection works by detecting an accelerated movement, impact or both. Once this unusual activity is detected, an alert will be sent immediately to an employer or monitor.

Why should you equip your employees with a fall alarm?

Man down iconSlips, trips and falls remain one of the largest causes of workplace injuries – accounting for a third of all major accidents. Falls can be caused by a whole range of hazards such as uneven flooring, spills, cables, poor lighting or general poor housekeeping.

medical condition iconEqually, employees who suffer a medical condition could find themselves suffering from a fall or falling unconscious while travelling or working.

If an employee works alone or away from sight and sound, suffering a fall could be made much worse if they are unable to receive immediate help. In serious cases, they may be knocked unconscious or suffer an injury that could be life changing if left untreated.

While there are steps that can and must be taken legally to reduce the risk of falls, human error means that accidents can and do still occur. Therefore, a fall alarm will ensure that no one is left alone in the event of an accident – allowing businesses to better meet their duty of care, and providing employees with peace of mind that they are being protected.

Who might need a fall alarm?

  • Anyone working alone – fall alarms are a common feature of lone worker devices and apps
  • Anyone with a medical condition who travels or spends any of their workday alone
  • Employees working on large sites where they may not be seen or heard in the event of an accident
  • Anyone working in high-risk industries where slip, trip and fall hazards have been identified

StaySafe’s fall alarm options

At StaySafe, we offer several fall alarm options depending on the level of risk and lone worker challenges.

StaySafe AppiPhone mobile app

Our lone worker app provides personal protection for anyone who works remotely or alone. As well as a non-movement alert, the app offers a wide range of alerts – including panic and duress – for full lone worker protection.

The non-movement alert will be sent by the app following 10 minutes of inactivity.

Bluetooth button


For an additional level of protection, we also offer a wearable button that can connect to the app and send a man-down alert when an acceleration and impact are identified.

The button can be worn on the wrist, around the neck or clipped to clothing and also allows for a discreet panic alert and easy check-in.

If you are interested in either of our fall alarm options, get in contact today.