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Calgary John Howard Society

"As well as having a wide range of functions like GPS tracking and the duress pin, what really made StaySafe stand out to us was that it’s an app."

CJHS logo

Calgary John Howard implements StaySafe’s cutting edge lone worker solution to protect vulnerable community workers.

Canadian not-for-profit organisation the Calgary John Howard Society worked in partnership with StaySafe to launch the StaySafe app and implement tailored response procedures to meet their needs.

The Calgary John Howard Society is a community-based not-for-profit organisation that is dedicated to reducing crime and increasing community safety through preventative and restorative justice practices. The nature of the job means their employees are often required to work alone in potentially vulnerable situations. CJHS needed to implement a solution that would monitor the safety of these employees and enable them to alert their employer if they needed help.

Nic Etheridge Calder, Housing Reintegration Manager at Calgary John Howard Society explains, “we have a duty to ensure we monitor the safety of our lone workers and so reviewed the market for suitable options. We came across several ‘panic button’ type solutions but StaySafe offered so much more.

Most people keep their smartphones close at hand so they would adapt easily to using the app and not forget it in the morning! As well as having a wide range of functions like GPS tracking and the duress pin, what really made StaySafe stand out to us was that it’s an app.”

Once CJHS selected StaySafe Nic says the implementation process was quick and painless and that StaySafe provided practical support and template procedures which they could adapt to meet the needs of their business, “the app was easy to install on employees phones so from that point of view we were up and running pretty quickly, however of course there is work to be done behind the scenes. We needed to train employees on how to use the app and learn how to use the StaySafe Hub to monitor employee locations and view alerts. We also needed to document our response protocol and who was going to execute it. StaySafe were really supportive during this process and provided us with template documents which we could then adapt to meet the specific needs of our business. They were also on hand to provide specific guidance or training.”

Are you protecting your lone workers?
Our comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about lone working. From identifying the lone workers in your organisation, to the risks they face in different environments, our lone worker guide will ensure you know how to keep your staff protected and meet your legal duty of care. Yes, review policy
Explore our range of lone worker solutions
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See StaySafe in action
  • 2 week free trial
  • See how employees can use the app to check-in & send alerts
  • See realtime updates in the monitoring hub
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Looking for more information on protecting your lone workers?

We have a range of expert resources and topical blogs to help keep your lone working staff safe.

Guide to Lone Working

A comprehensive lone worker guide for employers, managers and the self employed.

Lone Worker Risk Assessment
An extensive guide to risk assessments for employers or managers of lone workers.
Three Questions to Ask When Purchasing a Lone Working Solution
An informative guide outlining everything you need to know when considering purchasing a lone working solution.