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Telford and Wrekin

"Our employees feel much safer knowing they can access help when they're working away from the office."

Telford and Wrekin partner with StaySafe to ensure their staff are protected whilst working alone

Telford and Wrekin, a local authority in the West Midlands, employ lone workers in a number of sectors including social work, caretaking, enforcement work and fieldwork. The company implemented StaySafe in 2017 with 500 staff regularly using the solution.

Telford and Wrekin began their search for a lone worker solution after carrying out an in-depth risk assessment for lone working. With many of their staff regularly conducting home visits with vulnerable individuals and in third party premises, managers wanted a lone worker solution that was the same across all Council service areas. The risk assessment ranked staff risk levels from 1-3 with those at level 3 deemed the most at risk. This evaluation showed a large number of staff were at risk, so they decided to look for a suitable solution to manage staff safety.

Before StaySafe, the company had a standard personal safety policy that outlined different steps that employees should take to help minimise risk. This included personal safety training, employees regularly checking in with managers, and manually recording their working hours. However, managers felt that this wasn’t enough and wanted to investigate other options that could give them more visibility of their employees whilst they were at work. The Senior Management Team at Telford and Wrekin wanted an app-based solution that was compatible with Android phones and iPhones, as this would be easy to implement and simple to use. They also wanted a 24 hour external monitoring service so that staff working outside of the nine to five workday would be protected. This is a great solution for those with minimal in-house resources, larger organisations or staff who operate out of hours, such as through the night.

The StaySafe app allows employees to record their working hours by simply pressing a button. The handy check-in feature encourages workers to start a session at the beginning of their day, and end the session once their work is complete. This gives managers an overview of where their employees are during the day and if help is needed, they can immediately send it to their exact location.

The app also provides man down alerts so that managers can detect if an employee has not moved for a prolonged period of time. The panic alert feature allows staff to notify a manager if they are in a dangerous situation. Their manager can then immediately send assistance to them. This feature is particularly useful for council workers who regularly deal with members of the public.

After a successful trial period, Telford and Wrekin decided that StaySafe was the best option and the solution fulfilled the company’s needs. Following the implementation of StaySafe, Telford and Wrekin created a lone working procedure to set out the companies’ rules on working alone and provide lone workers with practical instructions on how to safely work alone using the StaySafe app. Staff now feel much safer when they are conducting home visits, visiting unpredictable customers and carrying out high-risk activities, as they know that if an incident occurs, they have access to help. Those that have previously experienced issues or incidents in the field, in particular, feel much more secure using StaySafe.

Tracy Guy, Lead Health and Safety Advisor at Telford and Wrekin comments, “the app has been a huge help for both managers and staff. The setup was quick and the StaySafe team made sure the onboarding process was simple. We had access to guides and user videos to make the process as smooth as possible and any questions we had were answered promptly.  Our employees feel much safer knowing they can access help when working away from the office.”

Don Cameron CEO at StaySafe adds, “providing the highest level of protection to lone working staff is of the utmost importance to us. StaySafe is great for workers who spend a lot of time out in the community where environments can be unpredictable. We designed the app to be user-friendly and we offer training and support to all users to guarantee that they are confident in using the solution.”

Are you protecting your lone workers?
Our comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about lone working. From identifying the lone workers in your organisation, to the risks they face in different environments, our lone worker guide will ensure you know how to keep your staff protected and meet your legal duty of care. Yes, review policy
Explore our range of lone worker solutions
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  • 2 week free trial
  • See how employees can use the app to check-in & send alerts
  • See realtime updates in the monitoring hub
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Looking for more information on protecting your lone workers?

We have a range of expert resources and topical blogs to help keep your lone working staff safe.

Guide to Lone Working

A comprehensive lone worker guide for employers, managers and the self employed.

Lone Worker Risk Assessment
An extensive guide to risk assessments for employers or managers of lone workers.
Three Questions to Ask When Purchasing a Lone Working Solution
An informative guide outlining everything you need to know when considering purchasing a lone working solution.