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The StaySafe website will be closing on the 22nd July 2024 and redirecting to our new home at www.ecoonline.com where we are part of a powerful portfolio of EHS and ESG solutions.

Call us on: (+64) 800 995 010

Author Archives: Richard Bedworth

Three effective ways to get your employees on board with a new tech solution

Seven out of ten technology launches fail to meet their strategic goals. How can you ensure your employees are engaged for success? … Read More

Lone Worker protection specialist StaySafe acquired by European market leader in EHS solutions, EcoOnline

15th June 2022 | StaySafe (Safe Apps Ltd), provider of the best-selling app for keeping lone workers safe, has today been acquired by EcoOnline, a European market leader in EHS SaaS solutions. … Read More

The Importance of Emergency Planning

The actions taken in the initial moments after a crisis matter. These steps can determine how disruptive the aftermath will be. With this in mind, companies need to plan for any potential incidents that could occur. … Read More

Major threats faced by housing staff

Due to the varied nature of the workforce, employees within the housing sector are facing a growing number of large-scale threats which can affect both employee safety and business continuity. … Read More

Are your staff safe?

It is now a fact of life that during your career there will probably be more than one incident – natural or man-made – that could have a disastrous effect on colleagues in your business. … Read More

StaySafe is now carbon zero

We are living in a Climate Emergency, with 16 countries having declared they are in a Climate Emergency state, and numerous others making partial declarations. This is an issue of paramount importance that can not be ignored. … Read More

What is a hazard?

What are workplace hazards for lone workers? What is the difference between hazards and risks? Find out how to protect your lone workers. … Read More

Buddy Systems

Buddy systems have helped safety standards and wellbeing for staff for generations. See how lone worker apps provide an alternative solution for safe working. … Read More

Work Health and Safety in New Zealand

Modern health and safety legislation dates back to the UK’s Factory Act of 1802 which set down rules on critical safety issues such as ventilation, cleaning and working hours. … Read More