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Low Signal Mode

Lone Worker App Low Signal Mode

Protect your employees wherever they work and travel

StaySafe offers 16% more coverage than any other lone worker app

The StaySafe app seamlessly switches between all available connections to offer the very best levels of connectivity and protection to your lone working employees.

Data is the first connection the StaySafe app attempts to make, but in areas where a signal cannot be made, low signal mode is automatically activated. While in low signal mode, session communications will continue to be sent to the hub via 2G SMS. Alerts and session functions will continue to operate as usual, with location data updating if an alert is triggered.

Working data connection

Data is the first connection the StaySafe app will attempt to make, whether this be through Wi-Fi, 4G/3G or even GPRS and Edge.

2G Phone signal

If you or your lone workers operate in areas where a Wi-Fi or data connection cannot always be made, the StaySafe app will automatically switch to Low Signal Mode. While in this mode, session functions and alerts will continue to be sent to the hub via 2G SMS. The users last known location will be shown in the Hub and updated when an alert is triggered.

No Data or 2G signal

Session Expiry and Missed Check-In alerts do not require phone or data signal. This means that as long as the employee begins a session while connected, alerts will be sent if they fail to check-in. This provides a no-cost solution when signal is down.

Session notes

Upon starting a session, the lone worker is able to add notes relating to their work. If they know they will be entering areas of low signal, adding details on their exact location could be particularly useful. Notes can be viewed in the Hub to provide information that could help the monitor respond to an alert.

When will I need low signal mode?

Luckily, if your employees work in well populated, urban areas, it is very likely that they will be able to make a data connection. If, however, they work in rural areas with low levels of signal, or in buildings known to have poor data coverage, low signal mode is a vital method of communication.

If your lone workers regularly travel to remote locations where there is no phone signal, StaySafe also work with satellite providers to offer reliable global coverage.

Interested in low signal mode?

Get in touch for more info and pricing.

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