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How wearable panic buttons and safety devices protect your staff

  • Staysafe’s discrete panic alarm button can be hidden on clothing such as belt, lanyard, watch or bra strap
  • Users can send a panic alert without unlocking their cell phone

Our wearable panic button for lone workers protects your employees in an emergency, wherever they are 

The V.BTTN lone working device from StaySafe makes it easy for employees to use our lone working app without unlocking their cell phone.

What are wearable personal safety devices?

By simply connecting our panic button to a cell phone device via Bluetooth, the employee can click or hold the button to continue checking in or send their employer a panic alert. It also works as a man down alert, automatically triggering an alert if it detects a fall.

Using a wearable device paired with the StaySafe app provides a flexible option for those who may not have easy access to their cellphone during a lone working session – for example, working at height, while driving or in sensitive situations. The system uses a V.BTTN to trigger the alert. The button can be attached to a work belt, stuck to the car dashboard or hidden on a bra strap or pocket to ensure staff can still check in at all times.

StaySafe V.BTTN lone working device – key features

Discreet Panic Alarm

Send a panic alert discreetly and out of view when faced with a difficult situation or individual

Man Down Alarm

Automatic Man Down alerts are sent when the button detects a fall or impact

Dust and Weather-proof

Durable technology means the V.BTTN is suitable for use in any work environment

Quick Check-in

Continue to check into a running session at the touch of a button

Convenient Access

The V.BTTN can be worn on a wristband, pendant or clip for convenient access

Compact Design

With a diameter of only 1.3 inches, the button is unobtrusive and can remain hidden

StaySafe V.BTTN Lone Working Device – benefits

Panic Alarm

We recommend pairing ‘Panic Alarm’ with press-and-hold to avoid false alerts


Single-click allows users to check into a session quickly and effortlessly

Man Down Alarm

The device detects falls from a height of approximately 3 feet and triggers an alert

What is V.BTTN?

The StaySafe V.BTTN is a programmable button with a Bluetooth connection to your phone. The V.BTTN works whenever the StaySafe app is running on the user’s phone – even if this is in the background. Once paired to a device, the user is able to assign check-in and panic functions to two options: single click, and press-and-hold.

Pairing your device with V.BTTN is a great solution for anyone working in fast-paced, social or industrial work environments, where pushing a button may be a more convenient way of using the StaySafe app.

iPhone panic button

Our V.BTTN can work with phones running iOS and Android operating systems. While a worker’s phone may offer some in-built alert features, it becomes a much more powerful safety device when the Staysafe app has been downloaded. By adding our V.BTTN via Bluetooth, the ability to send an alert becomes easy and virtually unnoticeable, whether used with an iOS or Android phone.

StaySafe V.BTTN works even if away from a phone

Driving, working at height, with gloves or machinery, means that using a phone is not always convenient to check in or raise an alarm. The StaySafe V.BTTN allows your employees to check in by simply touching a wearable button.

Similarly, if they suffer an accident, calling for help may not be possible. Wearing the button on their person allows an injured employee to easily access the panic button without worsening the injury, while falls from approximately 3 feet will trigger an automatic Man Down alert.

Who needs wearable alarms?

When things go wrong for lone workers, they can find themselves in situations where calling for help needs to be as fast and easy as possible.

  • Environmental emergencies such as extreme weather conditions, landslips, falling trees or forest fires can put workers in transport, forestry, maintenance and repair at risk.
  • Equipment problems including malfunctions ranging from failure to operate through to fire, leaks of dangerous material and explosions can cause injury or death to engineers, machine operators and maintenance staff.
  • People such as hostile members of the public and criminals can make workers at risk of violence. Real estate staff, healthcare workers and night staff are among the groups at risk.
  • Injuries frequently occur in the workplace as the result of slips, trips and falls for workers in all sectors.
  • Sudden illness may stop workers being able to move and could be a life-threatening condition.  

StaySafe V.BTTN lets lone workers call for help discreetly

When carrying out home visits or working closely with clients and customers, using a phone could distract from the conversation. Using the V.BTTN lone worker alarm allows your employees to continue to check in with you, without disrupting the visit.

At the same time, if an employee is threatened or attacked while working alone, taking out a phone could aggravate the situation. The discreet V.BTTN enables your employees to raise a panic alert quickly and discreetly.

How to monitor and respond to alerts from lone workers

Depending on the size of your team and resources, you can choose to monitor activity in the Hub in-house or outsource to one of our professional 24/7 monitoring and response partners. You can also combine both options to structure a bespoke service that meets your needs.
In-house lone worker monitoring

Monitoring your employees in house via the StaySafe Hub is easy, low cost and eliminates the need for paper trails and routine check-in calls. The flexibility of the Hub allows you to decide how you manage your employees and alert responses.

External lone worker monitoring

We also work alongside professional monitoring partners to offer round the clock monitoring and response services for lone worker emergencies. Available 24/7, external monitoring is a great solution for those with minimal in-house resources, larger organizations or those who operate out of hours such as through the night.

What our customers say about StaySafe

“StaySafe is a powerful app that has been quickly adopted by our staff as they carry smartphones already. As well as the check in features and GPS monitoring, the non-movement alert was a key selling point for us. We now get an alert if an employee has been inactive for a period of time and if we can’t get hold of them we can start procedures to check on their wellbeing immediately.

This early indication that something might be wrong can provide us with vital time to get help to an employee who may have had an accident but was unable to signal for help”.

Kim Bedford

Coombes Forestry

If you are looking for a lone worker solution trusted by clients all over the globe, we would love to hear from you.

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