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Easy-to-use lone worker app for healthcare workers

Our easy-to-use lone worker solution is ideal for ensuring the safety of healthcare workers in an emergency.

StaySafe offers reliable protection from commonly faced challenges such as violence, aggression and workplace accidents.

Ensure the safety of lone working staff

Healthcare organizations have a duty of care to ensure the safety of all their staff, including lone workers, who are particularly vulnerable in an emergency due to the lack of direct supervision.

Lone working staff can be exposed to violence and aggression from members of the public, both in hospital settings and when providing care at home. They also need to be protected from other potential causes of harm, including accident, injury or medical emergency.

To mitigate these risks, all healthcare organizations need to ensure that they have undertaken risk assessments and have an up-to-date lone worker policy in place. To ensure that lone workers can get help quickly and easily, StaySafe is widely used to monitor the safety status of their staff and get them help in an emergency.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, workers in the health care and social service industries are 5 times more likely to suffer a workplace violence injury than workers overall

From 2016 to 2020 there were 207 employee deaths due to violence in the health care and social assistance sectors.


Non-physical violent events are also prevalent. In 2020, threat, sexual harassment and verbal abuse against nurses occured at a rate of 38.8 incidents per 100 employees.

How our safety app can support lone workers in the healthcare industry

At StaySafe we have specifically designed functionality to overcome common challenges faced by lone workers.

The online hub accurately locates workers on a map and provides real-time updates on their location. This means that you always know their whereabouts and if they are safe, even when schedules change at the last minute.

The app allows staff to check-in safely once they have finished a lone working or travel session. Staff can also use the note taking facility to add extra details to a session, such as who they are meeting or where in a building they are based.

The StaySafe app gives employees a way to signal for help in any situation. If an employee activates the app’s panic button or fails to check in, alerts are instantly visible in the online hub.

Chosen managers are automatically notified via text, call and email. As well as a panic button facility, the StaySafe app also has additional features such as GPS tracking, man down alerts and discreet and duress panic alerts. The ‘discreet panic’ function provides a way to signal for help without aggravating a tense situation, while staff can enter a duress PIN if forced to close the app to notify their manager while seeming to comply with an aggressor.

Staff also have the option to link the app to a discreet wearable Bluetooth button. Worn on or under clothing, the button can be pushed to signal for help without users needing to touch their phones. If you do not have the resource to monitor your teams in-house, you can outsource employee safety monitoring and alert escalation to our 24/7 professional monitoring partners.

Why choose our lone worker safety app?

Easy to use and fits effortlessly into the working day

No extra equipment for staff to carry or charge

Customisable functionality

GPS location on a real time map

Wearable options

Full visibility of employee usage

Comprehensive onboarding, training and support

Top risks for healthcare lone workers

Violence and aggression

Unfortunately, violence and aggression are common. Nearly three quarters of all non-fatal workplace violence incidents in the US involve healthcare workers.

Environmental risk

Working within the community and in patient’s homes can expose employees to common hazards such as slips, trips and falls. US employers recorded 2.6 million illness and injury cases in 2021.


Travelling on the road is one of the greatest and most uncontrollable risks workers face each day. In 2019, there were 12.15 million vehicles involved in crashes in the US.

Medical emergency

If a lone worker suffers a medical emergency such as a heart attack or fainting, receiving immediate support and alerting emergency services could prove difficult without colleagues nearby.


Guide to lone working

Every employer has a duty of care to protect their employees from workplace risks. For those in healthcare, lone working has become commonplace, with workers regularly carrying out home visits or looking after patients in the hospital alone. Download the guide to find out how to protect your staff.

What our customers say about StaySafe

“We found StaySafe very easy to use which has been reassuring to our midwives and management. The simplicity of the deployment and usability has been pertinent to our ever adapting services.”

Amanda Rogers

Maternity Matron, Chelsea and Westminster NHS Trust

“We launched StaySafe in 2020 despite the pressures of COVID-19. The entire rollout was smooth and fast, and allowed us to further improve support to our colleagues as they provided excellent care to patients.”

Emily Wright

HR Advisor, PICS

“Our patients. an be aggressive and a risk to themselves. We wanted a safety solution that promoted employee well-being. Ease-of-use was key, and StaySafe ticked all the boxes, everyone found it user friendly.”

Jesse Chamberlain

Coordinator Adult Supports, TeamHEALTH

“StaySafe removes the hassle of a manual system, while significantly increasing the security of our nurses. We hope we never need to use it, but we know StaySafe will allow us to deal with it quickly and effectively.”

Peter Allan

Associate Director of Research Nursing, Illingworth Research Group

“The safety of our team is the most important thing. StaySafe is simple to use, more precise than Google Maps, and very cost effective. StaySafe gives us that extra level of protection.”

Sal Braico

CEO, Pivotal Health

“We work in remote areas of South Australia with vulnerable people, so needed a way to monitor staff safety. StaySafe was the only app that had all the key safety features with a fallback when phones go out of range.”

Zeico Skeldon

Assistant Manager Partners in Recovery, Country and Outback Health

If you are looking for a lone worker solution trusted by clients all over the globe, we would love to hear from you.

Speak to an expert now