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Case studies

Calgary Urban Project Society

"We are impressed that StaySafe is able to offer all of the features we require while still remaining so user friendly."

Not-for-profit organisation, CUPS, use StaySafe on Cat® rugged smartphones for a robust, reliable way to protect their community workers.

Calgary Urban Project Society (CUPS) are a non-profit organisation working to support individuals and families in overcoming the challenges of poverty. CUPS provide the resources needed for individuals to get their lives on track and achieve their full potential through three main services; housing, education and health care.

CUPS were previously using a different service to monitor staff safety but felt that it wasn’t enough to carry out their duty of care. While it provided a rough idea of where staff were located, it was not enough to locate them quickly in an emergency. They also found that it wasn’t suitable for all of their lone workers and so only a couple of teams were able to use it.

The organisation began searching for a more reliable solution to use across the board, with accurate GPS monitoring being key. When discussing their needs with a group of local organisations, StaySafe was recommended to them.

StaySafe is a smartphone app and cloud-based monitoring service which provides personal protection for lone workers. The app monitors employee location in real time via satellite or cellular signal, enabling employees to check-in safely and request immediate assistance if necessary.

Alberta work alone legislation requires employers to be readily available should a lone worker be effected by an accident or incident. As part of this, they must be aware of the worker’s needs, be willing to provide assistance and do so within a reasonable period of time. Having a solution that provides accurate GPS location monitoring and an ability for the employee to send alerts, allows the organisation to reduce response times and comply with lone worker legislation.

Customisable protection for three very different teams

The challenges of lone working vary greatly between the different teams within CUPS. Lone workers within health care and housing provide support to individuals dealing with addiction and mental health. The unpredictable nature of clients, especially those in vulnerable situations, poses a greater risk of aggression and violence towards staff members. Having a discreet way to panic and a duress pin, are important in these situations.

Within the education services, lone working bus drivers transport groups of children to education programmes. The risks of the road are very different to those associated with client outreach and can be both unpredictable and difficult to control. Using a phone itself is dangerous while driving so the missed check-in and session expiry alerts are used to indicate that something may have gone wrong.

Monitor multiple groups from one hub

The StaySafe app and hub have been flexibly designed so that they can be used across the whole organisation, with the capability to customise how it is used within individual teams. Groups can be set up within one hub and different supervisors allocated to monitor their own teams.

Faby Martin, HMIS Specialist and hub monitor explains, “I really like that we are able to have control over the hub. It’s really helpful being able to customise who receives alerts for different groups and which alerts are activated depending on the challenges particular staff face. We can easily change the monitor if a supervisor is off ill or on holiday without having to contact StaySafe to do it for us. The whole process is really simple and all of our monitors have been finding it easy to use. As someone who isn’t really a data person, the reporting section is also great as the information is presented in a clear, concise way. I can easily view who is using the app and whether they are using it correctly, helping me to manage usage.”

Downloaded onto Cat® rugged smartphones for extra durability

CUPS also recognised that staff were regularly dropping and breaking their phones which meant that supervisors were unable to check-in with them until the devices were replaced. Replacing mobile phones on a regular basis was not a viable solution for the organisation so they made the change to the more robust, durable Cat phones. The StaySafe app is available to download through the Cat app store, and with employees no long longer breaking their phones, CUPS are able to stay in contact with their staff any time they are out working alone.

Richard Mugford, Director of Housing and Education, comments, “it is really important to us that we know where our employees are while they are under our care. StaySafe and Cat phones have allowed us to create a robust, reliable way of maintaining contact with our employees whenever they are out in the field. We are impressed that StaySafe is able to offer all of the features we require while still remaining so user friendly. Our whole monitoring process has become much more efficient as we now have one solution rolled out across housing, education and health care.”

Are you protecting your lone workers?
Our comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about lone working. From identifying the lone workers in your organisation, to the risks they face in different environments, our lone worker guide will ensure you know how to keep your staff protected and meet your legal duty of care. Yes, review policy
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  • 2 week free trial
  • See how employees can use the app to check-in & send alerts
  • See realtime updates in the monitoring hub
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Looking for more information on protecting your lone workers?

We have a range of expert resources and topical blogs to help keep your lone working staff safe.

Guide to Lone Working

A comprehensive lone worker guide for employers, managers and the self employed.

Lone Worker Risk Assessment
An extensive guide to risk assessments for employers or managers of lone workers.
Three Questions to Ask When Purchasing a Lone Working Solution
An informative guide outlining everything you need to know when considering purchasing a lone working solution.