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Case studies

Celtic Anglian Water

"Our lone workers have commended the app for its easy-to-use functionality and efficient and quick set up."

Water solutions company, Celtic Anglian Water (CAW) who provide treatment services across Ireland, use StaySafe’s app and wearable tech to keep Lone Workers safe. 

Part of the Anglian Water Group are regarded as one of Ireland’s largest water service operators, CAW employees work across a range of offices and treatment plants across Ireland and the UK. With measures in place to minimise the requirement for lone working, some elements of work still require employees to attend sites alone, CAW launched the StaySafe app to ensure their lone workers are protected even out of hours.

How StaySafe helped 

  • Out of hours monitoring
  • Automatic notifications when lone workers have safely ended a session
  • Peace of mind for lone workers operations
  • Consistent systematic reporting
  • Tailored timed check-in sessions for high risk situation

Why did Celtic Water launch StaySafe? 

Before launching the StaySafe app, CAW had implemented a buddy system which relied on lone workers to inform Plant managers when their shifts had ended or they had completed the work and left site. This method proved difficult for the company to monitor and relied heavily on the lone workers to communicate to the plant manager with no reminders to do so.

CAW identified an opportunity to improve this process and turned to technology to provide a solution. This led to CAW trialling a range of lone worker safety solutions. After trialling the StaySafe app and monitoring Hub, they found StaySafe to be the most accessible, user-friendly and cost-effective tool for their lone working staff.

The Results 

The App

CAW launched Lone Working smartphone app, StaySafe to monitor their lone workers during later shifts when a plant manager is likely to be absent from site. Even in remote locations, staff are able to begin and end their lone working sessions in the app using a signal level as low as 2G. Once they have checked-in, the whereabouts of workers currently on site is immediately visible within the online StaySafe Hub.


CAW employees are monitored by one of our monitoring partners. Any alert that is triggered on the app, goes through to their monitoring station along with an accurate location – allowing them to respond effectively.

Outsourced monitoring provides peace of mind to CAW, particularly for out of hours working when internal monitoring previously proved difficult. The business also has access to their own Hub where they can run reports, manage usage and keep an accurate audit trail.

Client Feedback

“Our lone workers have commended the app for its easy-to-use functionality and efficient and quick set up. Our workers out in the field now feel reassured that they will receive help should they ever require it even in remote areas or while working out of hours. With the ability to set up check-in intervals, which we have set for every half hour, we are immediately alerted if an employee fails to check-in and we can send them the appropriate assistance.

Ensuring the safety of our employees is a top priority especially due to the high-risk nature of the water industry. We have placed safety signs at the entrance of our sites, reminding employees to start a session on the app before entering. We are then able to run reports in the StaySafe Hub to ensure our lone workers are using the app as they should be. Overall, we feel that implementing StaySafe has improved our level of care to our employees while freeing up time for those previously responsible for monitoring our staff,” Padraic Dolan, HSEQ Manager at Celtic Water.

Are you protecting your lone workers?
Our comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about lone working. From identifying the lone workers in your organisation, to the risks they face in different environments, our lone worker guide will ensure you know how to keep your staff protected and meet your legal duty of care. Yes, review policy
Explore our range of lone worker solutions
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See StaySafe in action
  • 2 week free trial
  • See how employees can use the app to check-in & send alerts
  • See realtime updates in the monitoring hub
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Looking for more information on protecting your lone workers?

We have a range of expert resources and topical blogs to help keep your lone working staff safe.

Guide to Lone Working

A comprehensive lone worker guide for employers, managers and the self employed.

Lone Worker Risk Assessment
An extensive guide to risk assessments for employers or managers of lone workers.
Three Questions to Ask When Purchasing a Lone Working Solution
An informative guide outlining everything you need to know when considering purchasing a lone working solution.