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Case studies

Crockers Property Management

"I can categorically state that the StaySafe implementation was the easiest by far."

New Zealand firm Crockers property management praise the simplicity and usability of the StaySafe smartphone app as they roll out the solution to protect their lone working staff  

Why did Crockers launch StaySafe?

Property management always entails working externally from the office for a large part of any week, and it’s very common to be in other peoples homes or properties alone. Crockers recognised that their employees could be at risk when having to conduct home visits, and began searching for a suitable safety solution to counter this. 

Back in 2017 as part of an overall system and process review, Crockers began implementing a remote working protocol for their team. This was to allow them the flexibility to work from home before or after external appointments, negating the need to come into the office. This new system meant that employees were spending large parts of the day lone working.

Prior to this, the team used to check in and out with reception or team members. However, the new remote working system meant that the company may not see some people for days at a time. As a property management agency with nearly 4000 properties across greater Auckland, and thousands of external appointments every year, it was imperative that they were able to know where their employees were, and give them the security that if things went wrong, there was a process in place to locate employees and assist if needed. 

After scoping several different lone worker apps, Joseph Schellack, General Manager at Crockers explains that the company were impressed with the simplicity and usability of the StaySafe solution with everyone being able to operate it with ease. Crockers required a solution that was easy to use and functioned when in and out of phone data coverage and StaySafe met these criteria.

How StaySafe helped

  • Personalised customer service and easy implementation
  • Reliability in areas of low signal
  • Unique and reliable ways of raising an alert when faced with an aggressor
  • Man down alerts 

Once Crockers made the decision to go ahead with StaySafe as their lone worker solution, Joseph explains how the company adjusted to the app, “roll out of the app was very simple, the staff members found it easy and convenient to use and we were well supported by our Auckland representative. Having rolled out multiple IT solutions and processes around our remote working solution for the team, I can categorically state that the StaySafe implementation was the easiest by far.

Not only does Staysafe allow us to know where our staff are if an incident were to occur and help us fulfil our safety requirements, it has also given our team more comfort knowing that if the worst were to happen, we would be notified and the appropriate help sent over immediately. Although not expressed until after Staysafe had been in place a few months, it became evident that previously there were some concerns in the minds of the team that no-one would know where they were if things went bad for them. StaySafe helped give employees reassurance.”

Despite not seeing some members of the team for prolonged periods of time, Crockers now have full visibility of where they are and the confidence in knowing that they can respond quickly to any situation that puts a team member at risk, whilst workers appreciate the support and peace of mind.

About Crockers Property Management

Crockers Property Management is one of New Zealand’s largest property management groups, working in both the residential and commercial space. Crockers provides a wide range of property services to their clients whether that be growing their rental investment portfolio, organising long term maintenance plans, valuing their property, maximising the returns on investment properties, selling their apartment, or providing up-to-date market research.

Are you protecting your lone workers?
Our comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about lone working. From identifying the lone workers in your organisation, to the risks they face in different environments, our lone worker guide will ensure you know how to keep your staff protected and meet your legal duty of care. Yes, review policy
Explore our range of lone worker solutions
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See StaySafe in action
  • 2 week free trial
  • See how employees can use the app to check-in & send alerts
  • See realtime updates in the monitoring hub
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Looking for more information on protecting your lone workers?

We have a range of expert resources and topical blogs to help keep your lone working staff safe.

Guide to Lone Working

A comprehensive lone worker guide for employers, managers and the self employed.

Lone Worker Risk Assessment
An extensive guide to risk assessments for employers or managers of lone workers.
Three Questions to Ask When Purchasing a Lone Working Solution
An informative guide outlining everything you need to know when considering purchasing a lone working solution.