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Case studies

Pivotal Health

"Using StaySafe just made a lot of sense — it makes our employees comfortable, it makes us comfortable. The fact that if something happens they can quickly call for help, is absolutely invaluable to us”.

Pivotal Health use wearable VBTTN to protect their home care clinicians.


Pivotal Health provides urgent, primary and mental health care in the community. They use the StaySafe app linked to a wearable VBTTN to ensure that their staff are safe when visiting clients homes. 

“A lone worker solution was something that we felt that we just had to have,” says Sal Braico, CEO at Pivotal Health.


“There’s a lot of different checks and things that we try to do to make sure that our providers are always safe when out in the community, but we wanted to have that extra level of protection so that if something happens, they have the ability to call for help”.

 Pivotal Health looked at five different solutions before choosing to partner with StaySafe.

 “We chose StaySafe primarily for its ease-of-use  it’s very simple to use, and no one has any problems using it. We also really like the dashboard, how you can see everything and everybody in one place. We find that the location tracking is more precise than Google Maps. Plus, it is very cost effective”. 

Being able to pair the app with the VBTTN  a small wearable device that acts as a panic button when pressed  was also something that impressed Pivotal Health. 

 “We needed something that was quick and easy-to-use in an emergency. A lot of our providers wear the button on their belt, or in their pocket, so that they can just hit it straight away and get help if they need it”.

Setup was easy too, with assistance from a dedicated account manager, and in-app training for users. 

 “Our account manager was very, very helpful. She helped us get everything set up and helped us to add each of the employees. Now, I very rarely reach out for help, because everything was explained so well up front”.

Having used StaySafe for over a year, it is something that Pivotal Health now describes as invaluable. 

“The safety of our providers is the most important thing. 99.9% of the people we work with are the most incredible, kindest people that you would ever meet. But, when entering people’s homes, you just never know. That’s why we use StaySafe  to be that extra safety net. Using StaySafe just made a lot of sense  it makes our employees comfortable, it makes us comfortable. The fact that if something happens they can quickly call for help, is absolutely invaluable to us”. 

Thankfully, there’s been no need to use the panic button yet. 

“And that’s just what you want,” says Sal. “It’s a safeguard, it’s there. But you don’t really want anyone to press the panic button, do you?”

 Find out more about the StaySafe app and our wearable options

Are you protecting your lone workers?
Our comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about lone working. From identifying the lone workers in your organisation, to the risks they face in different environments, our lone worker guide will ensure you know how to keep your staff protected and meet your legal duty of care. Yes, review policy
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Looking for more information on protecting your lone workers?

We have a range of expert resources and topical blogs to help keep your lone working staff safe.

Guide to Lone Working

A comprehensive lone worker guide for employers, managers and the self employed.

Lone Worker Risk Assessment
An extensive guide to risk assessments for employers or managers of lone workers.
Three Questions to Ask When Purchasing a Lone Working Solution
An informative guide outlining everything you need to know when considering purchasing a lone working solution.