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Easy-to-use lone worker app for the local authority sector

Your employees may face challenging situations whilst they visit client homes or empty properties. With our easy-to-use lone worker solutions, you can protect them, 24/7, from risks.

How our safety app can support local authorities

Lone working has become commonplace for many working in local authorities. Employees regularly carry out public-facing roles, home visits, or client meetings alone and away from the office. While working alone is usually safe, lone working brings with it additional risk, as any danger faced is faced alone.

The StaySafe lone worker protection device ensures lone workers have a way to signal for help in any situation. A panic button can be used at any time, while missed check-in and session expiry alerts will send an alarm, even if the lone worker cannot. If an employee is faced with an aggressor, a panic alarm can be triggered discreetly, or the duress PIN can be used to trick them into thinking the app has been closed when, in fact, a high priority alarm has been triggered.

What are the risks associated with lone working in local authorities?

Lone workers operating in local authorities face potentially challenging situations, as they often enter client homes alone, work late hours, carry out maintenance and deal with sensitive situations, such as evictions. Such environments mean that employees can be exposed to a range of environmental and interpersonal risk.

Violence and aggression

Unfortunately, violence and aggression are common – with an assault occurring every 35 minutes in the UK. The same is true for public-facing roles in local authorities, especially when dealing with a range of sensitive issues and with vulnerable individuals.

Environmental risk

Working in locations away from the office which haven’t been risk assessed can expose employees to common workplace hazards such as slips, trips and falls, aggressive animals and electrocution.


Travelling on the road is one of the greatest and most uncontrollable risks workers around the world face each day. Travel risks are not always immediately considered, yet many employees regularly spend time travelling between appointments and properties.

Ill health

If a lone worker suffers a medical emergency such as a heart attack or fainting, receiving immediate support and alerting emergency services could prove difficult without nearby colleagues.


Guide to lone working

For those working for local authorities, lone working has become commonplace, with workers regularly carrying out home visits and client meetings alone and away from the office. Download this guide to understand the risks common to this sector and the practical steps you can put in place.

How StaySafe helps protect lone workers in the local authority sector

At StaySafe we have specifically-designed functionality to overcome common lone worker challenges faced in the Housing sector and by Local Authorities. The ‘discreet panic’ function provides a way to signal for help without aggravating a tense situation, while the Duress PIN provides a way to send an alert if being forced to close the app.

The StaySafe app gives employers visibility of the location and safety status of lone workers in an emergency and allows them to check-in safely once they have finished a lone working or travel session. A note taking facility allows lone workers to add extra details to a session such as with whom they are meeting or where in a building they are based.

If an employee activates the app’s panic button or fails to check in, alerts are instantly visible in the online StaySafe monitoring hub. Chosen managers are automatically notified via text, call and email. With StaySafe, you can protect your employees wherever they are and whenever they need help

Why the local authority sector loves the StaySafe monitoring solution

“There’s been a good response from everyone since introducing StaySafe. Both staff and managers feel confident that if an incident occurs, the necessary portection is in place to keep everyone safe.”

Ajay Ramdas

Risk Officer, Mooraboolshire Council

“We already had a lone worker solution in place, but it wasn’t user friendly, and didn’t include wearables. It was problematic if a team member was attacked, everyone now has a V.BTTN. The app is so easy for us all to use.”

Paul Leonard

Control Room Manager, Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council

“StaySafe has been a huge help for managers and staff. The setup was quick and the team made sure onboarding was simple. Our employees feel much safer knowing they can access help when working away from the office.”

Tracy Guy

Lead Health & Safety Advisor, Telford & Wrekin Council

If you are looking for a lone worker solution trusted by clients all over the globe, we would love to hear from you.

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