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Lone workers were once an anomaly, but the number of employees who regularly work without close supervision has been growing in the UK, with the number of lone workers almost doubling over the last decade. … Read More

UK worker stress index, an employee stressed about work.

IFA Magazine

“We know from research that poor workplace safety and security are contributing factors to negative mental health, so supporting employees at work to feel safe and secure can have a huge impact on their working life.” … Read More

Occupational Health & Wellbeing Plus

Wellbeing apps and mindfulness sessions are often among organisations’ list of employee benefits, and companies have been drawn in by them under the belief that they would improve the lives of their staff. But as new research shows – this isn’t entirely true. … Read More


With new reports revealing that the lone worker device market is expected to grow “exponentially” over the next five years, Richard Bedworth, a VP Sales at StaySafe, one of the world’s leading lone worker apps, has reiterated that just because employees are out of sight, it doesn’t mean they are out of mind. … Read More

The Retail Bulletin

Workplace safety expert says it’s time to give employees the power to decide. Mindfulness, mental health days and yoga classes are often cited as key workplace benefits, with companies hailing these as game-changing for their workers. … Read More

IFA Magazine

Mental health is the biggest cause of absence: why it needs to be core to businesses in 2024. With workplace absences up year on year, Richard Bedworth, is urging employers to make wellbeing a core focus in 2024 to address the alarming increase in sick days amongst employees. … Read More

Facilitate Magazine

Extra efforts need to be put into updating work safety as the needs of and the diversity of the workforce change, according to data. For example, there have been several reports over the past few years of older workers entering or staying within the workforce, so their needs must be considered more closely. … Read More

HSE People

UK has 5 Million Hidden Lone Workers. New research shows that 64% of UK employees who regularly work without close contact or supervision would not consider themselves a lone worker, therefore putting their safety at significant risk. … Read More

The Mirror

Eight of the most remote and beautiful but brutal jobs if you want to leave it all behind. Since the coronavirus pandemic arrived in the UK, a far higher chunk of the population are working remotely than ever before. … Read More