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Easy-to-use lone worker app for a wide range of UK industries

Our easy-to-use lone worker solution is ideal for a range of organisations operating in different industries, such as B2B services, banking, construction, education, insurance, manufacturing, retail and surveying.

Our lone worker safety app supports UK organisations

Lone workers are a valuable asset for UK organisations, increasing business reach and productivity. Many job roles that once required two or more employees can now be carried out effectively by a lone worker thanks to technological developments and the reduction in the size of work equipment and tools.

However, lone workers do face a level of risk each day, particularly when working in unknown locations around the UK or with unknown members of the community. This is why many organisations around the world use StaySafe – to ensure they know their employees are safe while they work alone.

Lone worker risks in the UK

Those working alone often come across the same hazards as any other employee. However, lone working carries with it an increased risk, as any dangers faced are encountered alone.

Violence and aggression

Unfortunately, violence and aggression are common within public-facing roles. When working alone and behind closed doors, the risk may be higher as lone employees can be seen as easier targets.

Environmental risk

Working in locations away from the office which haven’t been risk assessed can expose employees to common workplace hazards such as trip hazards or aggressive animals.


Travelling on the road is one of the greatest and most uncontrollable risks workers around the world face each day. Travel risks are not always immediately considered, yet many volunteers and employees in the charity sector spend time travelling between appointments and locations.

Ill health

If a lone worker suffers a medical emergency, such as a heart attack or fainting, receiving immediate support and alerting emergency services could prove difficult without colleagues nearby.

How StaySafe helps protect lone workers across the UK

The StaySafe app ensures lone workers have a way to signal for help in any situation. A panic button can be used at any time, while missed check-in and session expiry alerts will send an alarm even if the lone worker cannot. If an employee is faced with an aggressor, a panic alert can be triggered discreetly, while a Duress PIN can be used to trick the aggressor into thinking the app has been closed when, in fact, a high priority alarm has been triggered.

The StaySafe app gives employers visibility of the location and safety status of lone workers in an emergency and allows them to check-in safely once they have finished a lone working or travel session. A note taking facility allows lone workers to add extra details to a session such as with whom they are meeting or where in a building they are based.

With the ability to monitor in-house and with no additional costs for extra hardware, StaySafe is a low-cost solution for any organisation looking to better protect their employees.

Why our customers love the StaySafe monitoring solution

“StaySafe is a powerful app that has been quickly adopted by our staff. The check-in, GPS location, and non-movement features were a key selling point for us. The early indication that something is wrong is vital to us.”

Kim Bedford

Senior Office and Company Systems Manager, COOMBES

“We want our staff to be safe and work safely, StaySafe helps us achieve that. The app is user-friendly and works on both Apple and Android. StaySafe makes our policies even more robust for our employees safety.”

Stuart Barnard

Head of Health, Safety, Environment and Quality, RPS

“We just issued all our employees with smartphones so a solution that worked on them without any additional technology really appealed. StaySafe has been easy to setup and use, and requires minimal resource.”

Tim Collier

GOM Metrology

If you are looking for a lone worker solution trusted by clients all over the globe, we would love to hear from you.

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